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iCAD- Environmental Design  @ Scuola di Architettura – Università degli Studi di Firenze | AA 2021-22

Stay tuned  on


28 June Final Exam 9:00 Santa Verdiana 
Evaluation and critics of the final work. Students are required to bring all the materials printed out.
Before the final presentation each group has to submit the files 27 June 13:00 at this LINK

12 April Credit #03 Presentation & Discussion 
Credit evaluation will be held online at the usual address https://unifirenze.webex.com/meet/giuseppe.ridolfi.
I remember that the files had to be uploaded to the folder by 17:00 on the 11th of May. In the absence of the files, review and evaluation will take place without any interactive review.
Credit repository folder


06 April 1&2 Assignment Upload
At this LINK the folder where to upload your subfolders containing the 1&2 files Assignment. Online Crediti Review on 07.April 9:00 AM.
Please, do not use my personal mail to send your  personal files. Thank you


Conceptual Mass Energy Analyis videotutorials


The two video tutorials about GH   is available in Resources of the main Menu (Tutorials /Bes-based Architectural Mass Optioneering)
The other video tutorial about conceptual mass energy simulation using Revit is in Resources of the main Menu (Tutorials/ Revit Tutorials).
Note: in the same pages there are other similar video tutorials.

29 March_ Class Schedule Updating
Due to the absence of prof Giorgi, prof. Ridolfi will hold his lecture for the whole day of Tuesday 29 March. as anticipated class will be ONLINE 

21-22 March_ Credit #01 Files Upload & Discussion Postponed
I apologize but due to serious family problems the discussion of Credit #01 is postponed.  This credit will be discussed jointly with Credit #02 (April 7).
Next lesson,ONLINE Thursday 24 March at 3:20 PM

15 March_ Ridolfi’s Class deleted 
Check this page out starting from tomorrow for new class schedule

10 March_ Deadline: Group composition communication. 
At the end of this week students are required to communicate group composition. Remember groups MUST include TWO  students

Recommended Readings
Students are also strongly required to read  the following selected readings to have a better comprehension of the design philosophy and   to acquire  a theoretical foundation,
      • G. Ridolfi, A. Saberi, Computational Intelligences in the Post Environmental Design. Examples from Mailab  [LINK] [ALT LINK]
       • G. Ridolfi, A. Saberi, Learning Design through Designerly Thinking. [LINK] [ALT.LINK] [VIDEO]
       • G.Ridolfi, Digital Technology for Architectural Fabrication [LINK] [ALT.LINK]

 Download the course textbooks from the section TEXTBOOKS

Green Creative Colonica in the Metaverse


Presenting the photographic exhibition «Italian Rural Architecture», held in 1936 at the Milan Triennale, the curator arch. Giuseppe Pagano wrote of the importance of the ‘casa colonica’ (the farmhouse) for an education in aesthetics, functionality and compositional clarity of architecture. This exhibition represented the most evident moment of a current in the rising Italian Rationalism which saw in Italian vernacular architecture the very essence of avant-gard design as well as the clearest example of the synthesis of three factors determining architecture: climate, economy, and culture (Antonio La Stella, ‘Rural architecture’, in Cesare deSeta ed., Giuseppe Terragni Photographer, Einaudi Milano 1972, pg 16).

The design theme of the course is related to the realization on the extension of an existing ‘casa colonica’ placed on a ‘virtual’ tuscan landscape and intended to accommodate activities belonging to the so-called Creative Industries:  a sector reffering to a range of economic activities which are concerned with the generation or exploitation of knowledge and information or, according to the UK Government Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) to “ industries which have their origin in individual creativity, skill and talent and which have a potential for wealth and job creation through the generation and exploitation of intellectual property” (DCMS 2001)
The virtual site, conceived as a Metaverse environment, is used to stimulate a broader understanding of the rural Tuscan landscape that represents, with their farmhouses, an important heritage highly contributing to the identity of Tuscany. Choosing the Metaverse as a project site is a stratagem to subvert the traditional approach to the architectural design where the current practice of analyzing the specific site is replaced by a wider analysys  of the rural Tuscan landscape. Based on a systematic pattern recognition, this approach will produce a general and useful knowledge base to be used for the generation of a similar virtual metaphor of the specific site to host the proposed architecture.



Project Booklet

Credit #05

Detail | Envelope Design & Conceptual Prototype Proposal

Credit #04

Scheme | Schematic Design

Credit #03

 Concept | Architectural Mass & Layout Optioneering

Credit #02.

Brief | Program & Environmental Report

Credit #01

• Textbooks. A selection of the main founding resources for Environmental Design class



Reading #00 –  Digital Technology for Architectural Fabrication [LINK] [alt.link]

Lecture #01 – BRIEF | Post Environmental Age & Agent based Computational Design | Slideshow   | old videolecture  EN  IT

Lecture #02 – BRIEF | Project Mission & Space Program  | Slideshow  |   old videlectures:  IT

Lecture #03 –BRIEF | Comfort Modeling & Environmental Users \ Slideshow  |  old   videolectures:  EN [pass: TvRDGJD8]

Lecture #04 – BRIEF_Climate Based Design Strategies |  Slideshow  |   old videolectures: EN [pass: wHt4puyJ]

Lecture #05 – BRIEF_Site Assessment | Slideshow | 2022 videolecture  |  old videolectures:

Lecture #06 – CONCEPT_Architectural Mass & Layout Optioneering  |  Slideshow  | old   videolectures: EN [pass:5dNuSUB4] EN tutorial [pass: JqMHEET5] low-res ita   high-res eng

Lecture #07 – SCHEME_Passive Design Strategies and Devices. Part1  | Slideshow | old vldeolectures: EN [pass: 2YpVQpMY]

Lecture #07 – SCHEME_Passive Design Strategies and Devices. Part2  | Slideshow  | old videlectures: EN [pass:VwYSHSV7]

Lecture #08 – DETAIL_Adaptive Buildings. | Slideshow  | old   videolectures: EN [pass: RrqPp86g]

Lecture #09 – DETAIL_Daylight. A conflictual relationship between thermal and visual comfort. | Slideshow  | old videolectures: EN [pass:YfUxPSv3] EN tutorial1 [pass:JqANWmf5] EN tutorial2 [pass:4cXpT693]


The Building Envelope LINK

Assembling and joining structures _LINK

Foundation. Slideshow Excerpt from G. Ridolfi’s Structural Design Lab class LINK


Videolectures (2020).  A collection of prof. Giuseppe Ridolfi’s video-recorded lectures form 2020 iCAD class. ( !!! A sensible time lag in starting the video is normal)


Climate Consultant.  Free, easy-to-use, graphic-based computer program that displays climate data in dozens of ways useful to architects, builders, contractors, and homeowners, including temperatures, humidity, wind velocity, sky cover, and solar radiation in both 2-D and 3-D graphics for every hour of the year in either Metric or Imperial units. Climate Consultant 6.0 also plots sun dials and sun shading charts overlaid with the hours when solar heating is needed or when shading is required. The psychrometric chart analysis shows the most appropriate passive design strategies in each climate, while the new wind wheel integrates wind velocity and direction data with concurrent temperatures and humidities and can be animated hourly, daily, or monthly.atches to analyze climate data, sun geometry, winds and human comfort

How to install LadyBug & HoneyBee. List of links addressing guides and video tutorials explaining how to install LadyBug and Honeybee libraries on Grasshopper

Environmental design Resources.  Examples, references and Grasshopper patches  to analyze climate, human comfort, and to run mass energy simulation and daylight.

Daylight Simulation with HoneyBee. Patches and  links to run daylight simulation

Assignment Examples Lab Ambientale 2017-18. Students’ examples about Climate report, Place inventory, Space Program, and Environmental Mass Optioneering

Assignment Examples Environmental Design 2016-17 Environmental201 Students’ examples about Weather report,  Site Examples, Demolition & Excavation, Foundation

Other publications. Resources collected in «Smart & Green for Responsive Architecture» Issue stack.

• Pinterest.  Pins on different matter organized in Pinterest

Previous students’ works. A slide show of some examples.